Score: 67/70
The Experience
This Collegeboard MCQ has helped me learn a little more about the atmosphere of an actual test. This test was both challenging and fun, making me think about all the information I have learned so far. I was also able to gain experience on trying to do an MCQ as quickly as possible, and I was also able to see how the questions on collegeboard were formatted. Overall, while a little stressful, the Collegeboard MCQ is a great learning opportunity for the AP test.
Q27 Avoid bias in app development
Selected Answer: C
Correct Answer: B
- I got this question wrong because I didn’t read the question thoroughly enough. I falsely believed that the question asked for the strategy that was MOST likely to introduce bias, but the question said LEAST likely to introduce bias. I plan to prevent this mistake from happening again by double checking that my choice answers the question.
Q50 Use of symmetric encryption
Selected Answer: B
Correct Answer: A
- I got this question wrong because of my lack of knowledge on key encryption algorithms. This caused me to have to guess the answer to the question and get it wrong. I plan to fix this mistake in the future by reading up on the old team teaches we went over to make sure I know what the different parts of the internet do.
Q55 Move element from end of list to beginning
Selected Answer: A
Correct Answer: C
- I got this question wrong because of my haste to finish the MCQ. This caused me to rush the questions, which eventually led me to getting this problem wrong. In this problem, my haste caused my to falsely simulate the question in my head, leading me to thinking it was the right answer when it wasn’t. I plan to fix this in the future by making sure to take my time on simulation questions so that I don’t make a mistake.