import random
starting_money = 500
jackpot_threshold = 5
winning_sessions = 0
for _ in range(jackpot_threshold):
dice_roll = random.randint(1, 6) + random.randint(1, 6)
if dice_roll <= 3:
starting_money -= 70
elif dice_roll <= 6:
starting_money -= 40
elif dice_roll <= 9:
starting_money += 20
starting_money += 50
if starting_money <= 0:
if dice_roll == 12:
starting_money += 100
if starting_money >= jackpot_threshold * 100:
winning_sessions += 1
print(f'Your chances of hitting the jackpot in this scenario were {(winning_sessions * 100) / jackpot_threshold}%.')
# Initial parameters
speed = 0 # Initial speed
acceleration = 2 # Acceleration rate in m/s^2
deceleration = 1 # Deceleration rate in m/s^2
max_speed = 60 # Maximum speed in m/s
distance = 0 # Initial distance
time = 0 # Initial time
while distance < 1000:
if speed > max_speed:
speed -= deceleration
distance += speed
speed += acceleration
distance += speed
time += 1
print(f"Time (seconds): {time}, Distance traveled: {distance}, Final speed: {speed}mps")