5.1 Beneficial and harmful effects

Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Technological Innovations





Example Beneficial and Corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing

Tik Tok

  • Postive: Platform for people to share their creativity and talents
  • Negative: “Doom Scrolling”


Popcorn Hack 1

What is an example of a computing innovation with unintended consequences, whether positive or negative?

Mitigating Risks/Responsiblity

Popcorn Hack 2

How can responsible programming help contribute to minimizing unintended harmful impacts?

Finding Balance


Popcorn Hack 3

Why is it important for programmers to consider the unintended consequences of their innovations?

Bonus Hack(0.05 extra points)

Self Reflect on your use of technology? Whats your daily screen time? What beneficial effects of technology do you utilize and what are some negative consequences you succcumb to?


  • Using phones to play games might have a positive impact for people who don’t have anything else to do and are bored. However, a negative impact could be that they get addicted to the game and play too many games.
  • Add limits to the usage of the program, whether that be limiting screen time or the use of certain features. Also add limits after the program is released to fix any problems that occur.