#Define dictionary containing all menu items and their corresponding cost 
#All costs are pre-Covid because no way we're getting prices this low anymore

menu =  {"burger": 13.99,
         "wings": 9.50,
         "fries": 5.50,
         "chips": 1.99,
         "soda": 2.99,
         "cookie": 1.99,
         "salad": 9.99}

#Sets the total cost of cart to 0 dollars
total = 0
#Shows the user all menu items and prompts them to select an item
for k,v in menu.items():
    print(k + "  $" + str(v))

#Defines variable "yn" to be used as the condition in the while loop
yn = "y"

#Check if yes/no or "yn" equals y meaning yes
#if yes, continue or redo the loop
while yn == "y":

    #Ask the user which menu item they would like
    item = input("Please select an item from the menu")

    #Display the cost of the desired item
    print("cost of: " + 
    print("$" + str(menu[item]))

    #Add the cost of the desired menu item to the total bill for the day
    total += menu[item]

    #Ask valued customer once again whether they would like to buy anything else
    yn = input("Would you like to buy anything else? (y/n)")
burger  $3.99
wings  $3.5
fries  $2.5
chips  $1.99
soda  $0.99
cost of: burger
#Print cost of items without tax
print("Cost of items: " + str(total))

#Print total cost of items including tax
print("Tax: " + str(round(0.0725*total, 2)))

#Prompt user, asking for tip percentage for our amazing employees because they are so great
tip = input("Enter tip amount here: ")

#Make sure there aren't any percent symbols before adding to total
tip = tip.replace('%', '')

#Multiply percentage tip to find how much the stingy customer is tipping
tipval = (float(tip)*.01)*total

#Print how much the tip comes out to be
print("Tip: " + str(round(float(tipval), 2)) + " (" + tip + "%)")

#Print the total cost of the customer's amazing meal and experience
print("Total: " + str(round(1.0725*total, 2) + round(float(tipval), 2)))
Cost of items: 3.99
Tax: 0.29
Tip: 0.6 (15%)
Total: 4.88