name = input("Enter your name: ")
print("Hello, " + name + "!")


  • Create a list called fruits
  • Print the list using a print statement
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
print("List of fruits:", fruits)


  • Create a dictionary called student with information about a student
  • Print the info about the student by accessing the info from the database
student = {"name": "John", "age": 20, "grade": "A"}
print("Student name:", student['name'], "\nStudent age:", student['age'],"\nStudent grade:", student['grade'])

Iteration (For Loops)

  • Using a for loop and the range function, print “iteration” + the number of the iteration
  • The range function will stop after the 5th iteration because it doesn’t include the last number in the range
for i in range(1, 6):
    print("Iteration", i)

Mathematical Analysis

  • Define a function that takes in a list (numbers) and gets the average of the list by dividing the sum of the list by the length
  • Return the average
def calculate_average(numbers):
    return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)

numbers = [12, 24, 36, 48, 60]
average = calculate_average(numbers)
print("Average:", average)

Mathematical Analysis Part 2 (If/Else Statement)

  • Get an input number and modulo the number by 2
  • If the result is 0, the number is even, so return (num + “is even”)
  • If the result isn’t 0, the number is odd, so return (num + “is odd”)
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if num % 2 == 0:
    print(num, "is even.")
    print(num, "is odd.")


  • Define a function that gets a number and returns the factorial of the number
  • By using recursion, you can multiply the input number with every number (down to 0) that has a difference of 1
def factorial(n):
    if n == 0:
        return 1
        return n * factorial(n - 1)

number = int(input("Enter a number to calculate its factorial: "))
result = factorial(number)
print("Factorial of", number, "is", result)

Combination of all the concepts from above

  • First function
    • Add a student to keep track of (get name and age)
    • Ask the user if they want to add more students or not
      • If the user wants more students, use recursion to call the function again (adds another student)
      • If the user doesn’t want more students, exit the function
  • Second function
    • Utilize dictionaries to keep track of the grades of all students
      • Use iteration to go through each student in the student list
        • Get the grade of a student
        • If the user wants more grade points, loop back to the code and add another grade point
        • At the end, divide the total grade by the amount of iterations performed to get the total grade
      • Repeat for each student in the students list
  • Third function
    • Print the details of each student
      • Get the name, age, and score of each student
        • Get name/age from the students list and the ages list
        • Get the grade of the students by indexing the grades dictionary with the student name
  • Fourth function
    • Calculate the average grade of all the students
      • Get the sum of all the student grades
      • Divide by # of students
  • Fifth function
    • Assess the performance of the “class” by assessing the grade average
# Get all students and their age via recursion
def get_user_input(students=None, ages=None):
    if students is None:
        students = []
        ages = []
    # Get student info
    student = input("Enter student name: ").lower()
    age = int(input("Enter student age: "))
    # Recursion to add more students if desired
    keep_going = input('Would you like to add another student? [Y/N]').lower()
    if keep_going == 'y':
        return get_user_input(students, ages)
        return students, ages

# Add grades to each student by using a dictionary
def create_student_grades(students):
    keep_going = 'y'
    grades = {}
    # Iterate through each student in the student list with for loop
    for student in students:
        grades[student] = 1
        iteration = 0
        while keep_going == 'y':
            iteration += 1
            grade = int(input(f"Enter {student}'s grade: "))
            grades[student] += grade
            keep_going = input('Would you like to add another grade? [Y/N]').lower()
        grades[student] = grades[student] / iteration
        keep_going = 'y'
    return grades

# Print the student details using iteration
def print_student_details(students, grades, ages):
    age = [age for age in ages]
    index = -1
    for student in students:
        index += 1
        print(f"{student}: Age - {age[index]}, Grade - {grades[student]}")

# Get the sum of the grades of all students
def calculate_average_grade(grades):
    total_grade = sum(grades.values())
    num_students = len(grades)
    average_grade = total_grade / num_students
    return average_grade

# Assess how well the class average is
def assess_performance(average_grade):
    if average_grade >= 90:
        return "Excellent"
    elif average_grade >= 80:
        return "Good"
    elif average_grade >= 70:
        return "Satisfactory"
        return "Needs Improvement"

# Run all functions in one big main function
def student_grader():
    students, ages = get_user_input()
    grades = create_student_grades(students)
    print("\nStudent Details:")
    print_student_details(students, grades, ages)
    average_grade = calculate_average_grade(grades)
    print(f"\nAverage Grade: {average_grade}")
    performance = assess_performance(average_grade)
    print(f"\nOverall Class Performance: {performance}")

if __name__ == "__main__":
Enter student name:  fda
Enter student age:  45
Would you like to add another student? [Y/N] y
Enter student name:  asd
Enter student age:  44
Would you like to add another student? [Y/N] n
Enter Fda's grade:  95
Would you like to add another grade? [Y/N] n
Enter Asd's grade:  100
Would you like to add another grade? [Y/N] n

Student Details:
Fda: Age - 45, Grade - 96.0
Asd: Age - 44, Grade - 101.0

Average Grade: 98.5

Overall Class Performance: Excellent