
  • N@M was very fun, and I got to meet a lot of friends along with a lot of new people. I also had fun explaining the code me and my group spend time working on.


  • Glows
    • Our project was up and running with no bugs!
    • All features worked as intended
    • Interactive experience for all the parents that looked at our project
  • Growths
    • Create a better frontend to make the project easier to use
    • Add another feature to make the project more appealing


While many people (parents and students alike) liked our project, we were told by another student that a cool feature would be to add a dislike button. This button would work the same as the like button but would subtract by 1 instead of adding one. Another feature to improve on is the reply feature, as it could be displayed better so users could tell what message it was a reply to. On my individual CPT project, I plan on adding:

  • Dislike button
  • Better frontend messages display
  • Date object to see when each message was posted
  • Allow for images to be stored in the database so images can be sent in a post


1st Image 2nd Image

What impressed me

  • Related to CompSci
    • I was impressed by the projects that the rest of the students had and the creativity everyone had. For example, I saw a project that decided to store videos instead of regular text, allowing them to create a video viewing platform.
  • Unrelated to CompSci
    • The enthusiasm of both the students and the parents impressed me, as the room was lively the whole time for N@M. Everyone was having fun and relaxing, and I thought that was very cool.